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Thursday, March 3, 2011

propaganda yahud--i?

hai hei hoi.
salam 1 malaysia.
tadi aku bukak fb kawan aku.
die suro tules ni kat gugel translate.

"Jews are Terrorists", "Americans are Terrorists", and "Arabs are terrorists"

then korang translate bende alah kat atas tu dalam bahase arab.
die akan kua nih.

"اليهود ليسوا إرهابيين"، "الامريكان ليسوا إرهابيين"، و "العرب هم الارهابيين"

korang translate balek ayat diatas ke bahase inggeris die akan kuo ni.

"The Jews are not terrorists, " "Americans are not terrorists, " and "Arabs are terrorists"

same goes to 

"Jews are Terrorists", "Americans are Terrorists", and "Muslims are terrorists"

ape pendapat korang?

p/s : korang tuka ape-ape pon jews and american will never be a terrorists.hebat kan?

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