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Monday, April 16, 2012

never better.


Selepas beberapa ketika berada dalam keadaan lemah.sakit.sedih.alhamdulillah i feel much better now.sekarang aku dah boleh terima that everything happened for a reason.i can be alone in any situation.inshaAllah i can. J  i'm having so much fun these few back days.thanks to you,you and you for making me feel better.

I used to be so damn down before so i decided to run away to my sister.the one who give me a new way of thinking about friend.thank youuuu.

meeting my siblings.meeting my sweetsour.that's make me feel better.

 whats make me feel better?berjalan lah.cicici.somebody please take me somewhere.again!

the best thing that making me happy.bobo and beby.wish you're okay there.


thank u.thank u.thank u. <3

the saddest part in this april is my birthday sangat hambar tahun ni.the third year is the worst year.but still i got the cute yummy cake.and nice bracelet from my eika and amni.thank you.thank you for remembering me.hihi

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